Helping You Understand Your Rights After an Accident

Being injured by someone else's negligence can cause a feeling of overwhelming confusion. Often, clients come to us because they don't know what to do next. Do they have a claim against anyone? How much can they recover? How can they afford a funeral in the wake of a wrongful death? How can they get the body of a deceased loved one back to their home country? Most of our clients ask an even more straightforward question: How do I ensure my family's stability with all my medical expenses?

 Regardless of what kind of accident you were involved in, you are bound to have questions. Cohan PLLC will help you get all the answers. To help during this challenging time, we have compiled some of the most commonly asked questions and provided general answers. Review your legal options with us in a 100% free consultation for specific answers about your case. Call (888) 424-2736 when you've read what you need.

What Do I Do If I'm Not Getting the Best Care?

Your healthcare provider is an expert in their field. However, you have spent a lifetime in your body. So, when it comes to your health, you're also an expert. You have a right to play an active role in your care. Doing so can help you achieve better health outcomes. You may need to switch doctors if you feel you are not receiving the care you deserve. You need a doctor who will listen to your concerns and help improve your medical conditions. A doctor chosen by your company or an insurance adjuster may not have your best interests at heart. Do not settle for a doctor who does not listen to your problems—find a medical provider who will listen to you and assist you throughout your case. If you feel like you need a better doctor, please contact us. We can be reached at (702) 357-9611 or (888) 424-2736. We can work with you to determine the most qualified doctor to treat your problem.

What If My Employer Wants Me to Sign an Agreement?

After an accident, your employer or insurance company has one goal, to limit the amount of money they have to pay. One way they try to do this is by forcing you to sign an agreement or a release in exchange for a small amount of money immediately after an accident. You should never sign anything without talking to the best Las Vegas personal injury attorneys. The insurance companies often try to pay you the least amount possible. They will also require you to give up your legal rights later on. 

For this reason, you must retain legal representation immediately after being involved in a personal injury accident. You should not sign anything or give any kind of a statement before consulting with an injury attorney. Having a skilled lawyer on your side will help you avoid jeopardizing your case.

How a Las Vegas Personal Injury Attorney Can Help You & Your Family

At Cohan PLLC, our legal team handles each case with individuality and care because no two injuries are alike. The truth is countless factors play into your claim. So, it is always best to seek the help of a Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer who can help you navigate the sometimes-complicated legal process. Our personal injury attorneys at Cohan PLLC provide aggressive representation because if you were not responsible for your injuries, you should not be the one paying for them.
